Tuesday, April 17, 2007

News- Don't forget what else is happening in the world

While the mainstream media four walls the VaTech shooting tragedy, don’t forget the other news stories that slip between the cracks in times like this. Remember that on the day of the Columbine shooting that NATO forces dropped more bombs than any other day of it’s action in Bosnia.

News stories to not forget and news stories that fall off the radar:

The Attorney General testimony before Congress has been delayed - http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0704160329apr17,1,7950509.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

US Casualties mount as Sadr quits Iraqi government - http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/focusoniraq/2007/April/focusoniraq_April121.xml&section=focusoniraq

French Intelligence officials admit that they warned the US government of al-Qaeda plot for 911 well before the attack - http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/5568/2/

Italy tries US intelligence agent in absentia - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1665561.ece
Don’t forget the ongoing White House email scandal, the emergency funding bill for the war and the first deployment of the Osprey aircraft to a combat theater.

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