Sunday, May 20, 2007

News tidbits from the edge of the VaTech massacre

While the mainstream media waits for it's next four wall coverage event, more tidbits of information about McNeil Technologies dribble out. McNeil Technologies is the Virginia based company that employs the sister of the VaTech shooter. McNeil has deep and longstanding connections to the US Intelligence Community. is reporting that McNeil and DynCorp (both owned by Veritas Capital) have won a $4.6 billion dollar contract with the US Army to provide translation and intrpretation services in the Iraq War.

In an interesting addition to the services that McNeil Technologies provides, the Rochester Business Journal reported in April that McNeil now has a partner in providing private screening services to the Rochester Airport. McNeil's new partner in the Rochester contract is Raytheon, the multi-billion dollar US defense firm. Rochester International Airport was also one of the test platform locations for the Ingersoll Rand Schlage Recognition Systems biometric recognition program that went into effect in 2004. McNeil has been under contract to provide security and screening services to the Rochester Airport since 2002.

And in business news for Veritas Capital Management, within the past month their collection of companies has grown with the acquisition of:

Cornell Companies Inc. of Houston Texas. A multi-million dollar provider of correctional facilities services.

Vangent, Inc. Formerly known as Pearson Government Solutions, an international business services company who's clients include the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Justice and Labor; the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

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